Published in Makeup · 13 February 2019
Manicure: the beauty of nails in question
Nails have several functions:
- protective: they protect the nail bed (from underlying) and also allow their maintenance,
- practical: they facilitate the gripping of the man (function to hold and to catch), in particular for the small objects.
The nail also plays an aesthetic role, because it can sublimate the hand, when it is well maintained. Manicure allows you to give the nails all the care necessary for their shine.

Manicure is an aesthetic treatment that focuses on the nails. Manicure can strengthen the nails, rid them of the small dead skin around them and display neat hands. There are several types of manicure, in particular the classic manicure which is limited to pushing back the cuticles, filing and polishing the nails, and possibly covering them with nail polish. French manicure is a manicure where the tip of the nail is varnished in white. Fake nails can be part of the manicure.
The stages of a manicure ...
- Removal of existing varnish and / or degreasing of nails. The esthetician will use cottons and thinner.
- Nail cut (if necessary). It is up to you to guide your esthetician on the length of nail that you want to keep (depending on tastes, trades, etc.). She will use a nail clipper (better known as a “nail clipper”).
- Nail filing. The esthetician will use a file (most often a "banana" file that matches the shape of the nail very well). The lime has 2 different sides, with 2 different grains. The thicker grains will shorten the nail, and the finer grains will finalize and shape the nail.
- Sanding of the top of the nail. The esthetician will use a foam pumice block, simply to smooth the nail and reduce streaks if there are any. CAUTION: beware of beauticians who use electric sanders, which strongly damage the nails ... In addition, if you are used to doing a manicure once a week, tell your esthetician that she does not sand your nails every week, every other week will be enough.
- Hand scrub. The esthetician will apply a scrub to all of your hands (up to the edge of your nails), but avoid the palms of your hands, which are more fragile. It will then rinse you. She can use a mechanical scrub, which she will work without leaving on or a fluffy scrub, which she will allow to dry and then remove you with circular movements.
- Soaking of the hand. The esthetician will dip your hand in a bowl of warm soapy water to soften the cuticles and relax your joints with warm water.
- Growth and removal of cuticles. The beautician will put emollient water on the edge of the nail (product that will allow the skin around the edge to soften more and come off). With the help of a boxwood stick, which it will protect with a cotton fiber, it will push back the skins of the contour in order to free the nail to promote its growth. Using a "tweezers", it will cut off excess skin on the sides of the nail. CAUTION: The beautician should never cut the bead. The more she touches it, the worse it will be ...
- Hand modeling. The beautician must have a specific moisturizing and nourishing hand cream in order to perform a relaxing massage. This will rehydrate your hands, the contour of your nails, and most of all, relax you by being carried away by the gentle maneuvers of your beautician and the music played within the institute.
- Hydrating mask. The esthetician will apply a mask to prolong the moisturizing / nourishing effect of the cream. Unlike the scrub, the mask will be applied to the entire hand.
- Degreasing of nails and removal of barbs. Wondering what a barb is? Let’s explain… A barb is the nail that splits when you file it, and these little particles get stuck under your nail. The removal of the barbules must be done in order to have, in the end, a faultless varnish application. Degreasing the nails will remove excess cream and better application and adhesion of the varnish.
- Nail polish. The esthetician must apply a transparent base before any application of colored varnish. It will protect your nail from the pigments of the varnish then applied. The base is applied in a single layer. If you have split nail problems, your esthetician will apply a hardening base to strengthen them. After your choice of varnish, the beautician should put it on you, in two layers this time. After that, a top coat is to be applied for faster drying and good hold of varnish.