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Sopheap Beauty & Nails
Published in Wellness · 14 February 2019
Come and experience absolute well-being.
Discuss and choose the formula that suits you best to leave our living room like a new person.
Our massages will leave you in a state of relaxation and well-being that you have never felt before.

All our customers are delighted to have tried the experience.
The different types of massages that will be offered to you will adapt to your body type and your pain.

CAUTION: It is very important not to have eaten a meal before a massage. Pressure points and different movements can interrupt the digestive system and make you feel very flaky.

Once the session is over, you will be offered a drink to restore your system.

Therapeutic massages, for what types of ailments?

Practiced by a trained and qualified professional, massages can intervene for many pathologies:

In rheumatology, to relieve pain (torticollis, lumbago, tendonitis, arthritis ...);

To prevent or treat lymphedema (with manual lymphatic drainage);

In trauma, after sprain, fracture, tendonitis, to promote the trophicity (good nutrition) of the tissues and prepare for functional rehabilitation;

In post-operative care to soften a scar;

In prevention of bedsores in people who are long bedridden or at the end of their life;

In neurology, to reduce contractures during conditions such as hemiplegia, paraplegia or Parkinson's disease.

The preliminary assessment is a crucial step in these various massage treatments. The practitioner takes stock of the history, the history of the disease, studies the various examinations then by a palpatory diagnosis, he will evaluate the disorders and the modifications of the texture or the consistency of various tissues (muscles, tendons, ligaments , joints, skin).

All you have to do is make the most of this extraordinary experience ...

U kan bij ons NIET terecht voor erotische massages!
Bij ongepaste handelingen zal de politie onmiddellijk verwittigd worden!

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